Friday, December 7, 2012

Ah, technology ... a two-edged sword

As an engineer, I'm at the forefront of the specification and design of many new products, designed to make our lives more convenient, more modern, and supposedly better quality.  And while there are many good things about technology that we have to be thankful for, I can't help but think this all comes at a huge cost.

Recently, I've experienced first hand the dangers of technology, social media, rapid and instant communication on my life.  So many bad things happen when people interpret what is written on texts, emails, or social media sites, so you have to be careful not only what you write today, but what you've written in the past.  Your words stand out to be seen, dissected, interpreted, and misinterpreted by so many people out there, it's so difficult to know what it "safe" to write.

In essence, we become accountable for everything we write ...over time, and that makes it very challenging.  I mean our actions stand on their own, and we're definitely responsible for them.  If you act illegally or immorally, then you'll pay the price for your actions surely.  But if you simply write some innocent comment, without any ill feelings or issues, you really need to be careful how those words are interpreted.  Because they can come back and bite you later on.

For me, I made some major changes to my social media exposure, and will be very careful in the future about exposing my thoughts out there, for fear of the retribution that can occur.  I don't blame technology for any of this, it's really on me for writing whatever I wrote, although I know my intention at the time wasn't meant to harm, hurt, or even influence anyone ... just written, that's all.  And to those who take such words with harshness, confusion, or misinterpretation, my prayers go out to you, that you can find peace knowing that those words were simple that ... words.  Not meant to hurt or harm, but just words.

May God Bless You All ... and I hope you take care and avoid some of the mishaps and pitfalls I've experienced with the technology that we've been blessed with, and use it solely for man's greater good.