Friday, July 17, 2009

My Little Sister

My little sister is 6 years younger than me, and is a very important part of my life. She does so much for so many people, she's so spiritual and enlightened, and she's very down to earth and humble. She's also been burdened with epileptic symptoms for quite a long time. We've spent a lot of time talking about diet and exercise, and we've been workout partners for many an early morning.

Well, she sent everyone an email today regarding the blog, and I wanted to share it with all of you. She's an inspiration to me and to many, and I'm always there for her. Enjoy...


Hi friends & family! :) Hope this has been a blessed week for all of you!

As you all know...I have had a life-long battle with FOOD & my WEIGHT. Most of you know that at one point in my life, I lost almost 100lbs...only to gain it all back again PLUS more! Like many of you, I've tried just about every diet on the face of this earth...unable to stick to any of them long enough to get long-lasting results. I've researched & studied nutrition since the time I was on Nutri-System & Jenny Craig (back in the late 80's, early 90's). My mind is FULL of nutrition knowledge...and yet...I still continued to indulge in the foods I knew were not good for me. I've always been an emotional eater...eating when I'm happy, sad...bored, lonely. But with my current condition...where I may be on the verge of brain surgery... I know that if I don't do something to change my diet & lose all of these years of excess weight and abuse I've done to my body...I very well may not be healthy enough to get through a no-joke surgery like brain surgery.

You have ALL (at one point or another) been concerned about my health & well-being! I truly believe I am one of thee most BLESSED individuals to have such an awesome circle of friends & family who I know love me so so much & who only want the best for me. I'm sorry for all the times that I took your advice for granted...or if I perceived your help in a hurtful way as opposed to the loving care & concern you truly meant.

One of my angels in my "homie", my brother has ALWAYS been here for me. I can't ever think of a time when I couldn't turn to him for something, anything...and he would be right there...ready & wanting to help me. And I know that he has tirelessly tried to help me & inspire me to take better care of my body. One thing I can that he has NEVER judged me. He's never told me that I was soooo fat or that if I didn't lose weight I was gonna die. He just never gave up on sharing his wealth of nutrition knowledge with me... When he was able to, he would even wake up super early in the mornings (5:30am) to drive me to the YMCA just so I could get in some daily exercise. And this past week...he's done it yet again for me! :) PRAISE GOD! :) And this is what I would now like to pass on to the rest of you... three words... :)


My brother got his hands on this book, read it in its entirety...came to me...looked me in the eyes and said, "YOU HAVE GOT TO READ THIS BOOK!" He really didn't have to say much more. I KNEW HE WAS SERIOUS ABOUT THIS BOOK...just from the look in his eyes. He brought me his copy the other day...said "READ IT"...and after reading a few paragraphs into the 1st chapter, I could literally feel something changing. If I could, I would go into every detail of this book...right here, right now..but, like my bro, I am just going to have to say the same thing to you...even though I can't look into alla y'all's eyes at the moment... ;)


The title is "EAT TO LIVE" by JOEL FUHRMAN. It's about $15. If I was Oprah, I would buy each of you & each of your family members this book! I am THAT serious about it as well. Alllllllllllll the many LIES we've been told allllllllll our lives will come to light in this book...and the REAL TRUTH will change you forever!!! Do something good for yourself (for a change) and go out today after work...go to Borders or Barnes & it & read this book over the weekend...and I cannot wait to hear what you all have to say after reading it! :)

My father...a non-smoker, non-drinker, died of cancer at age 56. My mom is a type II diabetic (with hypertension) & i have to administer her insulin shots nightly. Some of your parents have or have had to deal with some of the same chronic illnesses. Some of you are already on the verge of being pre-diabetic. IT'S VERY SIMPLE, MY FRIENDS!!! GOD knew exactly what He was doing when He created us. He knew that he would have to provide us with FRUITS & VEGETABLES...whole & perfect foods complete with phytochemicals & phytonutrients...that would ward off chronic illnesses like cancer, hypertension, & diabetes. We've been lied to that we need to drink milk for calcium...or eat meat for protein. Green leafy vegetables contain more calcium than milk could ever do good for our bodies...AND...(something I never knew)...oz per oz...BROCCOLI has MORE PROTEIN than beef/steak!!! AMAZING, BUT TRUE!!! :)

Forgive me, brother, for sharing this next story...but it really made me say "WHOAAAAAAAAAA" when you shared it with me... and since I'm on the topic of meat... ;) Well...

As some of you know, my bro has done numerous types of colon cleanses. He started off with a home-kit cleanse ( which he's done yearly for a while now... And more recently, he actually went to a clinic to do more like a colon flush! Now...mind you...prior to this cleanse, my bro was on a complete RAW DIET for meat, NO MEAT... But when his colon was flushed, lo & behold...what did he see with his own eyes being flushed out of his body??? YES...MEAT!!! ;( You will read about this in EAT TO LIVE...why the more meat we eat (even lean, skinless white-meat chicken & fish), the higher the incidence of cancer, such as colon cancer. CRAZY!!!

Now...I know some of you may be saying..."Oh, here she goes again..." Heck! I'm not saying I know everything...and I sure am not saying that I am right... But all I'm saying is READ THIS BOOK...and figure it out for yourselves...and stop feeding & eating into the lies we've been told regarding diet & nutrition. It just might save YOUR life & the lives of your loved ones!

OK...I know I can write forever... ;) haha But I have one last thing to share with you... :) (Just one more thing...I promise) ;)

My brother has started a BLOG about HEALTH & HAPPINESS...and I encourage ALL of you to sign up for it & follow along on his journey toward better health & life-long happiness. :) You just might be inspired by his immeasurable amount of insight & passion! :) PRAISE GOD!

Here's the link...

Be sure to start reading from the bottom-up! ;) Enjoy & be inspired! :)

In closing, I just want to ask for all of your continued support in the days, weeks, months, years to come! I promise I won't mind if YOU remind me..."Hey, are you sure you wanna eat that?" ;) hehe I am ASKING all of you to please be my ANGELS! :) I know the devil is gonna work overtime in trying to tempt me to over-indulge in some of my favorite I can use all the prayers & angel-help I can get! :) I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOOOOOOOOOO SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! :) GOD IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!

GET THAT BOOK! ;) And have a safe, COOL, blessed, & restful weekend!

PROVERBS 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."
MATTHEW 12:34 "For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks."


1 comment:

  1. "EAT TO LIVE" is a great book with an amazing statistic that shows countries with the lowest Cancer rates eat the highest percentage plant based foods.

    Thailand is one of those countries with extremely low cancer rates and extremely high amount of plant based foods in their diets. I had friend recently come back from Thailand and he was amazed that he hardly saw anyone overweight there. All the kids where well-behaved and he never heard a kid scream or yell until he got back to the airport and it was a foreigner.
