Monday, April 4, 2011

Blind - Halfway through Lent

Halfway through Lent, and the Gospel this week was about the blind man healed by Jesus. Father Thomas at Mass asked the congregation to close their eyes through the Gospel, to give us an appreciation and feeling for what the man went through, as he was blind from birth. I must say, it was an interesting experience. I could "hear" so many noises and sounds, people chattering, kids clambering, coughs abounding, pages shuffling, etc. I could "feel" my emotions well up when Jesus asked the man, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?" and later replied "You have now seen him; in fact, he is the one speaking with you." Maybe in my hearing and I feeling, I could "see" what was happening better than if I had physical sight.

As Father Thomas read the Gospel, I couldn't help but think about the message and meaning, how blind I am, and have been in my life. Not like the man who was "physically" blind, for I have been blessed with the gift of sight, but like those who accused and tormented him. Sight is a blessing, and something I strive for and hope for long term. I pray that each of you can take something positive from these words, and from the blind man's experience as well. May God Bless You always.

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