Friday, April 27, 2012

Losing Fat - The Workout

Okay, so we've established from the last post that "losing fat" is much more important (and difficult) than simply "losing weight," which could include muscle and water.

So the question begs, how can we tweak the example workout in the previous post to be more efficient?  It's actually quite simple.  Three steps:

1.) Reverse the order - weights first, cardio second
2.) Change the muscle groups - from small muscles to large muscles, and in the right order
3.) Do 12 reps, with the 12th rep being tough to complete

Let's go over these one-at-a-time.

1.) Reverse the order - weights first, cardio second.  Why?  Because it burns fat more efficiently.  In short, lifting weights first (with large muscle groups in the right order -- see #2 in a bit) will deplete your body's stored energy (glycogen) faster than cardio itself (unless it's high intensity interval training or HIIT style of cardio).  You need to do that in order to use fat as fuel.  So, if you lift weights first, your cardio afterwards will be to burn mostly fat.  Also, after you're done, your body will continue to burn calories due to EPOC (excess post oxygen consumption) because your muscles, worked via weights, need energy to recover.  The other way around simply burns less fat.

2.) Change the muscle groups.  Why?  In short, because larger muscles, exercised in the right order, will cause you to burn more energy (glycogen) and thus more calories, and get you into your fat tank faster.  Hips ab/adductors, arms, and core are all considered Type I small muscles, and they do not require a lot of energy to work.  Contrast this with your legs (quads, hamstrings, and glutes), chest, back (lats), and shoulders.  These are primarily Type II muscles, which produce a lot of force and power, but require a lot of energy.  Weight train in this order: Legs, Chest, Back, Shoulders (LCBS).  Largest muscles first, then separate your chest and shoulders with back, so it's a Push->Pull->Push workout, better balance, and more rest for your triceps, which work in most "Push" exercise.  LCBS, don't forget that order, it's important.

3.) Do 12 reps, with the 12th rep being tough to complete.  Most folks lift either way too light (gals) or way too heavy (guys).  Do 12 reps, this is in the "Endurance" range, best for weight loss.  Don't worry, gals, you won't get big and bulky (more on that in another post).  And guys, put your ego aside, have good form, lower your weight, go through a full range-of-motion, without swinging and using momentum, and get 12 good reps.  And do that for 3+ sets.

Here's a simple program you could complete in about 1 hour, do each for 3 sets of 12 reps, progressively adding weight until the 12th rep becomes tough to complete, resting 1 minute or less between sets.  Always error on the side of caution, rest as needed, especially if you are just starting out.

  • Dynamic Warmup - (5 minutes)
  • Legs - Squats (3x12)
  • Chest - Bench (3x12)
  • Back - Lat Pulldowns (3x12)
  • Shoulders - Arnold Press with Dumbbells (3x12)
  • Cardio - Elliptical or Treadmill, any pace (20 minutes)
  • Cooldown/Stretch - (10 minutes)

If you follow these simple changes, your "fat-loss" workout will be more optimal.

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