Monday, July 9, 2012

It's okay to be, not okay to stay

I've been thinking quite a bit about life's issues and problems, the things we all face that cause us stress, anxiety, worry, and all kinds of negative emotions.  Of course, these things, left unchecked, have physiological effects on us, cause our bodies and minds harm, and generally are not good for us.

What's given me peace lately are some words I just happened upon.  I don't really know if I made this up myself, if I heard from some other person, or read it somewhere.  In the end, it doesn't matter, just take the meaning of the words, and what type of positive effect it can have, and make it work for you.

It's okay to be mad, but not okay to stay mad.
It's okay to be hurt, but not okay to stay hurt.
It's okay to be selfish, but not okay to stay selfish. 
It's okay to be jealous, but not okay to stay jealous.
It's okay to be unhappy, but not okay to stay unhappy.

You get the point?  On the opposite end, of course, I think it's perfectly fine to strive to always be calm, pain-free, giving, understanding, and happy.  There's nothing wrong with that.  But, I think the message for me is to accept the times in my life where I am imperfect, and therefore accept the times in my life when other people or events are imperfect.  Accept them for what they are, be okay with them.  But, then, get on with life's beauty and positive energy, and move forward toward something better.

To me, it's okay to have or experience negative energy, it's natural, it's going to happen.  I should welcome those times and events with open arms, greet them like an old friend, invite them in for nice meal and a warm drink and friendly conversation.  And accept them for their value, lesson, and effect on my life.  But, then when the time comes, say goodbye and wish them well, and make room for the million other visitors that bring positive energy to my life, and welcome them in exactly the same way.

My dear friend who may be reading this, I pray for you, that you may accept life's hardships, no matter how they come at you, and deal with them as God would, lovingly accept them, be at peace, and move forward to the best and brightest of life's many moments.  May God Bless you always.  :)

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