Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My knee...

Well, the word is in from the doctor.  No major damage, no torn ACL or MCL, no meniscus tears, or anything serious.  Just a misalignment of ankle, tibia, and femur.  It could've been done running and training, or some other jarring type movement.  I can't remember exactly when it started to hurt, and the pain is very bearable, just doesn't feel right when I run, and I'm not one to run through pain, not at my age.

So, with a heavy heart (not really), I'm foregoing my chance at the SF Marathon this year.  I'll go pick up my packet, get dressed for the race, get to the start line, and walk a mile and be done with it, and it'll be fine, absolutely no regrets and no worries.  One thing I've learned from this is not to worry about completing the goal.  The goal is complete, just by the attempt at it.  Now, the new goal is to heal up, rest, get well, get stronger, trim up, cross-train, be more flexible and supple, and most of all ... be happy.

October is the San Jose Rock 'N Roll Half Marathon, so hopefully, I'll be able to get in 10 weeks of training before that, and have a good aerobic base as my foundation, with a healthy right knee.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

SFM Training : Week 11 Review, Week 12 Preview

11 weeks down, 5 to go.  Still injured, waiting for doctor for go/no-go.  The prudent thing is to rest, take it easy, and not push.  There's still time to try to shoot for the full marathon, if not just the half marathon.  In the end, it's okay whatever way it turns out: full, half, or simply skip.  There's always another race to run, when I'm fully healthy.  So, mentally, I'm totally okay with it ... and appreciate the rest.  I don't like to get caught up beating myself up mentally over being hurt or injured, it's really not worth it.  Just get some rest, take it easy, heal up, then pick yourself up, and move on.  That said, it was a busy work week.

Monday: DIY Yoga.  Skipped.  Was OOT at a conference for work.  Cranked for 9 hours, then had dinner and slept.  Very tiring being on my feet all.

Tuesday: 4x1600m intervals.  Skipped.  Beat from the day before and a late night, and another 9 hours on the floor.  Decided to go to bed early and just rest.

Wednesday: DIY Yoga.  Skipped.  9 more hours on my feet, and mentally exhausted.  Headed home very late that night.

Thursday: 8 mile temp.  Skipped.  By early afternoon, I think the past several days of being on my feet caught up with me.  I was exhausted.  I slept forever.

Friday: P90X or Hatha Yoga.  Wanted to go, but didn't.  Was testing my knee to see if I could exercise and it felt tweaky still.  Appointment with my doctor is set for next week, so I didn't want to go start running again without her taking a look at it.

Saturday: 20 mile LSD run ... turned into a very easy 10-mile bike ride around the neighborhood.  Knee felt great for the hour I was out, and the sunshine was fantastic.  I miss riding my bike, it's one of the most exhilarating and freedom filled activities there is.

For next week, here's the schedule.  A lot depends on what the doctor says, but we'll see how it goes.

M: Power Flow Yoga
TU: 12x400m intervals
W: Hatha Yoga
TH: 5 mile tempo
F: P90X Yoga
SA: 15 mile LSD run
SU: Rest 

Saturday, June 12, 2010

SFM Training : Week 10 Review, Week 11 Preview

10 weeks down ... 6 to go.  And we're in injury territory officially, in jeopardy of canceling the SFM.  :(

Monday: 90 minutes of Power Flow Yoga.  My right knee, which has been problematic for a few weeks now, even gave me trouble in Yoga, not a good sign.

Tuesday: 8x800m intervals on the treadmill.  Actually felt okay, the knee was holding up fine.

Wednesday: 90 minutes of Hatha Yoga.  Same deal, the knee felt balky again, tight in the back and inner part, just didn't feel right.  Hips, etc. were stretchy and good, though.

Thursday: Skipped the 5 mile tempo run completely, it was painful to walk today.

Friday: REST, hoping the knee would allow me to run at least some on Saturday.

Saturday: 15 mile LSD Run ... turned into a swim, bike, walk at the gym.  Even the swim was painful, the darn frog kick for the breast stroke was especially painful.  So, I just did 1000 easy yards in the pool, followed by 30 easy minutes on the bike, and 30 easy minutes walking on the treadmill, followed by some light stretching.  Man, something's not right with my knee, I'm going to get it checked out next week.
Now for Week #11 upcoming, it a 'long' week, but I'm OOT from M-W, so that'll put a kink in my normal training plans, not to mention my knee.  We'll see how it goes, but this is the plan for next week.

M: DIY Yoga
TU: 4x1600m intervals
W: DIY Yoga
TH: 8 mile tempo
F: P90X Yoga or Hatha Yoga
SA: 20 mile hilly LSD run
SU: Rest

Monday, June 7, 2010

SF Marathon Training - Week 9 Review, Week 10 Preview

9 weeks down ... 7 to go.

Monday: No Yoga due to the memorial day holiday, spent some QT with the kids, all worth it.

Tuesday: 12x400m intervals on the treadmill.  Did great, no problems at all.

Wednesday: 90 minutes of Bikram Yoga.  About died in there.  Had to sit out Standing Bow (which I usually do fine) because my right knee was balky and painful.  Struggled through it, felt very dehydrated and tired.

Thursday: 3 mile tempo run.  Ugh!  Went out too fast (ran with a friend of mine), and did 5 miles instead.  My knee was killing me, but I pushed through 5 miles.  When in doubt, take it easy, don't push it when you're hurting.

Friday: REST!  I should've done Yoga, darn.

Saturday: 18 mile LSD run.  First 12 miles ... great!  Last 6, complete and utter bonkage.  Man, I haven't felt that horrible on a weekend LSD run in a long time.  But, it happens.  My body simply just shut down.  It was about 10 degrees hotter than normal at first, then all of a sudden, it got cold.  I think the change in temperature, combined with the hills and the distance got to me.  Geez, I need to shake this off and move forward...stay happy and positive, put it behind me!  Ah well, we have our good days running and our bad days running ... chalk it up to experience and move on.
Now for Week #10 upcoming, it a 'core' week again.  I have to monitor my knee to see how it's doing.  I definitely will be easy on it during the TU and TH workout and back off it needed.  I need to do Yoga 3x this week for sure, that's my main goal to stay supple and limber.

M: Power Flow Yoga
TU: 8x800m intervals
W: Bikram Yoga
TH: 5 mile tempo
F: P90X Yoga or Hatha Yoga
SA: 15 mile hilly LSD run
SU: Rest