Monday, June 7, 2010

SF Marathon Training - Week 9 Review, Week 10 Preview

9 weeks down ... 7 to go.

Monday: No Yoga due to the memorial day holiday, spent some QT with the kids, all worth it.

Tuesday: 12x400m intervals on the treadmill.  Did great, no problems at all.

Wednesday: 90 minutes of Bikram Yoga.  About died in there.  Had to sit out Standing Bow (which I usually do fine) because my right knee was balky and painful.  Struggled through it, felt very dehydrated and tired.

Thursday: 3 mile tempo run.  Ugh!  Went out too fast (ran with a friend of mine), and did 5 miles instead.  My knee was killing me, but I pushed through 5 miles.  When in doubt, take it easy, don't push it when you're hurting.

Friday: REST!  I should've done Yoga, darn.

Saturday: 18 mile LSD run.  First 12 miles ... great!  Last 6, complete and utter bonkage.  Man, I haven't felt that horrible on a weekend LSD run in a long time.  But, it happens.  My body simply just shut down.  It was about 10 degrees hotter than normal at first, then all of a sudden, it got cold.  I think the change in temperature, combined with the hills and the distance got to me.  Geez, I need to shake this off and move forward...stay happy and positive, put it behind me!  Ah well, we have our good days running and our bad days running ... chalk it up to experience and move on.
Now for Week #10 upcoming, it a 'core' week again.  I have to monitor my knee to see how it's doing.  I definitely will be easy on it during the TU and TH workout and back off it needed.  I need to do Yoga 3x this week for sure, that's my main goal to stay supple and limber.

M: Power Flow Yoga
TU: 8x800m intervals
W: Bikram Yoga
TH: 5 mile tempo
F: P90X Yoga or Hatha Yoga
SA: 15 mile hilly LSD run
SU: Rest

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