Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My knee...

Well, the word is in from the doctor.  No major damage, no torn ACL or MCL, no meniscus tears, or anything serious.  Just a misalignment of ankle, tibia, and femur.  It could've been done running and training, or some other jarring type movement.  I can't remember exactly when it started to hurt, and the pain is very bearable, just doesn't feel right when I run, and I'm not one to run through pain, not at my age.

So, with a heavy heart (not really), I'm foregoing my chance at the SF Marathon this year.  I'll go pick up my packet, get dressed for the race, get to the start line, and walk a mile and be done with it, and it'll be fine, absolutely no regrets and no worries.  One thing I've learned from this is not to worry about completing the goal.  The goal is complete, just by the attempt at it.  Now, the new goal is to heal up, rest, get well, get stronger, trim up, cross-train, be more flexible and supple, and most of all ... be happy.

October is the San Jose Rock 'N Roll Half Marathon, so hopefully, I'll be able to get in 10 weeks of training before that, and have a good aerobic base as my foundation, with a healthy right knee.

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