Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Bottle Lady

It's early morning, just like any other. The recycling and trash bins are out, and the hectic day of school begins. Cars race past the crossing guards, children and parents are rushing to their destinations, backpacks flopping on the backs of students as they race along, parents kissing their kids bye-bye and wishing them well.

We have a short walk to the nearby elementary school from our home, and down the edge of our court, we see a lady poking through the recycling bins of the neighbors, and picking out bottles and cans. She's toting a baby carriage (a nice one by the way) strapped with endless plastic bags filled with bottles and cans. My daughter asks me, "Is that legal?" I reply, "I'm sure it isn't, but what's the harm?" And then she says, "Daddy, why don't you give her our bottles and cans in the garage?" I reply, "Great idea!" My daughter is so excited at that prospect, she tells me to run home so I don't miss the bottle lady. Of course, I need to make sure my kids cross the street and are okay, before I go, but my daughter's not thinking of that, just the bottle lady.

So, I race back home, and tell the lady that I have "many" bottles and cans for her, and I give her about 10 bags full of them. She says thank you and carefully places them in her baby carriage.

I remember telling my daughter before she went to school, "Wow, God will bless you today for your act of kindness." She smiled, knowing what I said really didn't come from me, but from someone much higher.

May God Bless You today ... and all days.

1 comment:

  1. That was a great idea vivienne! good thing we don't any cans or bottles! haha!
