Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I'm not a control freak, far from it.  But, I had a talk recently with my long time mentor about control and it made me think a little differently about it.  It's easy enough to know right from wrong most times.  You don't do harm to others, you try to be honest, you try to do the right things.  And for the most part, we live our lives that way.  Of course, like anything in life, there's the exceptional cases, where life takes a turn, where you get swept up in helping others, pursuing your fancy, or simply spending time away from your core.  To put it bluntly, to lose a bit of control and focus.  It's when this becomes unbalanced, when it becomes apparent that you're spending too much time away from your core, that it becomes an issue.

So, then the question is, what causes this and how do I react to it?  To me, the cause is very simple, and has been consistent throughout my life.  My reaction, on the other hand, has been something very interesting for me to study and reflect on.  Sometimes, I feel like I don't have any control at all, I simply just react and after several hours of doing whatever, I shake my head an wonder why I spent all that time and energy there, again, away from my core.  I guess I'm a "nice guy", sometimes "too nice" and folks tend to take advantage of that.  That's fine, I'm not worried about that so much.  But, I do wonder about my time and energy, that it can spent more at my core.

My friend who may be reading this, I pray that you find peace in handling these types of situations, become aware of the imbalance that may occur, and react accordingly to bring you back to your core.  And you know what I mean by "core" ... what's most important in your life, whatever that is.

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