Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Double Helix

The Double Helix

I was asked recently about why I'm kind to other people, often to strangers.  I had to think about it for a while, it's not something that's readily apparent to me.  The engineer in me thought about the commonality that we all have as living beings, and that, biologically, structurally, and chemically at our core, we are essentially the same.  The sympathetic person in me remembered when a Buddhist monk once answered my question about the singular piece of advice he would give to someone regarding happiness.  Something like ... "See other people as having the same core as you, built of the same content, and be compassionate because of that."  It got me thinking that despite our outward differences, the things we can see, hear, and sense, that we are all similar, with similar needs, weaknesses, and longings.

DNA is essentially our core-building blocks as beings, we all know this.  We have a unique signature of infinite combinations of DNA that make us who we are.  The structure of DNA itself is quite remarkable, a double helix.  And when I look at it, I think I see the answer to the initial question of why I'm kind to other people, often to strangers, quite clearly.  I am but one side of the double helix, and any other human being I meet is the other.  Throughout life, our paths cross.  For some, we'll cross often.  For the vast majority of others, we'll cross once or if we're lucky, a few more times in the span of our lives.  So, if that's the case, if I'm only in contact with a like-minded, like-structured being for such a rare time, why not make it a moment of kindness and compassion?

My dear friend who may be happening upon this, challenge yourself to see the goodness in others, and the goodness within yourself.  Maybe finding commonality, instead of finding difference will give you a sense of peace and calm in your life.  Maybe the structure of the double-helix will exemplify life's journey and give you perspective.  And maybe you'll feel better and be better because of it.

I hope this finds you well, my friend.

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