Monday, February 15, 2010


Life has it's ups and downs, doesn't it?  Sometimes, it feels like you can't get any lower, and bam, it gets worse.  When it rains, it pours.  And hey, the weather here in Northern California has been pouring lately, although we are getting a glimpse of the beautiful sunshine we're so used to.

We all experience the highs and lows of life, and I guess each of us deals with them in our own way, whatever works best for us.  The highs are easy, I suppose.  You don't even realize you're at a 'high,' you just hope and pray that it'll continue, peacefully and happily.  And when those 'lows' hit, you wonder what in the world happened?  All of a sudden, you're lost, where you were once found.  And your peaceful, happy world is no more.

For me, I don't take 'lows' very well.  I wish I could do better, like most people.  And I don't know why.  I guess I'm complicated, or immature, or just plain dumb.  But, I pray for grace under pressure, for strength during the tough times, and for compassion and understanding, where this is little to share.  Someday when I grow up, I'll be able to handle these times well, and tell my children how I did it.  But for now, it's all a work in progress.

I know that lots of you out there have your 'lows,' and have your routine or support system to help you get through it.  Lots of people cover it up, keep it quiet, and figure it out on their own.  And I commend those people for that.  And yet, lots of other people get caught up in their mind's stories, their restlessness, say stupid things, do stupid things.  And man, I can relate to those people as well.

What's really important is that the 'stresses' of these 'downs' don't effect the pillars of your health, as surely they will try.  Remember: Stress, Diet, and Exercise.  Don't let the stress kill the other two, and spiral you downward.  Rather, use the other two to build yourself back up, to help deal with that stress, and put yourself back together.

My prayers go to you, if you're in a time of need.  I pray for you, that you may find peace and happiness, through your tough time.  I pray for you, that you may find compassion and forgiveness for those who have done you wrong.  I pray for you, that you may stay healthy, stay active, and enable those pillars to build you up, and eventually build the 'calm and quiet' that will eventually conquer your stress, and the 'downs' in life.

Likewise, pray for me, that I find myself again.

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