Friday, February 12, 2010

Niman Ranch and Eating Animals

I'm reading "Eating Animals" by Jonathan Safran Foer.  This is not for the faint of heart, and I'm still trying to understand the greyness of the book.  I really appreciate his time and effort, research, and conversations with so many involved with raising animals.  Like Jonathan, I too have kids, and am quite concerned about their health, wellness, and diet also.  So, I understand his motivation for his search for truth and information.

There was a long section on the Niman Ranch cooperative.  Living in Northern California, we've seen their products in several fine restaurants and high end boutique grocery stores.  I didn't know much about them, until now, because of the book.  Let's just say I'm contemplating my Vegan stance a little bit.  Not much, but just a little bit.  When you think about the effort it takes to raise farm animals the 'right way,' the way nature intended, in a responsible, sustainable, and honorable manner, it's gives me pause to rethink my position.  I said a few entries ago that if I visited Brazil or France, where animals are raised the 'right way,' I would definitely sample.  I guess if the same type of product is available here, I'd be inclined to consider the same.

Now, let's not get carried away here, we're talking about the 10-90 rule that Dr. Joel Fuhrman recommends.  And for me, it would be more like 2-98.  But, hey, at the very least, it's a consideration.  Before doing so, I'm going to visit a family farm affiliated with Niman Ranch and talk to the farmers there, like Jonathan did, and see for myself.

On the other hand, the book did justify my reasons for becoming Vegan in the first place.  Animals, workers, the environment, and eventually consumers ... with the factory farms so prevalent today, are my reasons.  And I definitely can't support something that causes so much harm.

Give the book a read, if you have a strong heart, and an open mind.  I think you'll find it an interesting read.

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