Saturday, May 29, 2010

SFM Training : Week 8 Review, Week 9 Preview

8 weeks down ... 8 to go.  Halfway there!

Monday: 90 minutes of Power Flow Yoga.  First time I bonked in a non-Bikram Yoga class in a long while.  I felt great afterwards, not so hot during the class.  Still a little tired from the run the past weekend, I think.

Tuesday: 3x1600 intervals on the treadmill.  Actually did great on these, no problems at all.  Had a nice rhythm going, thanks to some nice tunes on the iPod.

Wednesday: 90 minutes of HathaYoga.  Decided not to do Bikram this week, because of the long tempo run the next day.  Turns out the Hatha Yoga class was amazing, with a great teacher, and lots of new poses, postures, and a different type of emphasis.  Had some nice back bends and hip openers.

Thursday: 10 mile tempo run on the treadmill.  Actually felt great!  First time in a long while, a longer mid-week run like this went so well.  But, I was a bit light-headed afterwards, needed some Motrin to take off the edge.

Friday: REST!  Got a massage instead of doing Yoga, and rested up.  Was the right choice.

Saturday: 13 mile LSD run.  Did my 'old-school' route at 4am and felt amazingly strong.  Had lots of coconut water the day before and ate fairly light.  Felt hydrated and nourished throughout, and not too bloated.  Got a nice stretch in afterwards, doing several Vinyasa flows to stretch the whole body.
Now for Week #9 upcoming, this is a weird week.  Short, fast intervals and tempo runs, with a long 18-miler (longest so far) on SAT.  I will get to bed early on Friday and hydrate very well.

M: Power Flow Yoga
TU: 12x400m intervals
W: Bikram Yoga
TH:3 mile tempo
F: P90X Yoga or Hatha Yoga
SA: 18 mile hilly LSD run
SU: Rest

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