Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Aryuvedic Cleanse - Day 3 of 4

Starting Day 3 of my 'Vata' Aryuvedic Cleanse.  Everything went fine yesterday, although I did feel a bit hungry during lunch and dinner, long spaces of time between meals, just because of the way my work schedule turned out.  I found myself drinking a lot warm water in between meals, just to take the edge off.  Overcoming hunger and accepting it as a natural part of your being is something I always need work on during cleanses, so the emotional and spiritual part of that feeling is a good one to go through.

I had breakfast early yesterday, maybe a bit too early, and I found myself having lunch about 30 minutes before I should have.  That's where the issues were, because I had a yoga class at 730pm and didn't eat dinner until 10pm or so, then massage and hot bath around 1030pm and bed by 11pm.

It's okay, no worries, nothing is ever perfect, and I feel fine this morning, especially my skin which is as soft and supple as it's been in a long time.  My joints, as well, feel exceptionally supple and open.  I'm not sure if it the cleanse or the yoga, but I did 'plow' pose (halasana) yesterday and for the first time ever, I was able to touch my toes to the ground.  Plow is a tough pose for me because I'm a guy, for one thing, and my quads are like tree-trunks.  So, that was a nice breakthrough.

The halfway point of any cleanse is always a big milestone, it's all downhill from here, and the benefits of the cleanse become more apparent.  I do feel lighter and cleaner.  My body and mind are more balanced, the feelings of anxiety and wandering I had before are less noticeable, and I'm definitely a lot warmer than usual (because of the yoga, baths, spices, and yoga).  So, there is definitely some physical and emotional effects going on here.  I'm going to take it really easy the next 3 days (workout) wise, just some very light yoga at home.

Allrighty then, time for some warm rice milk and 6 tsp (30 ml) of ghee, I'm actually looking forward to it!  I wish you all a safe, happy, and healthy day today.

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