Thursday, March 11, 2010

Getting Back on Track

Wow, I've looked at my recent posts and they have all been about mental and emotional health, stress management, etc.  I think it's obvious that I'm going through some emotionally challenging times and trying to deal with them the best I can.  For the most part, it pretty much is as tough as I make it out to be.  Stress and emotional issues can compromise your physical being, more than you know.  Realizing this and witnessing it firsthand was a big red flag for me.  I definitely don't want to have my health compromised by my mind, and it's wandering nature.  So, it's really time to quiet the mind, and get back on track.

I received a few emails from some of my former players, who are asking about nutrition, etc.  They are older now, and their reign of physical invincibility is starting to wane.  Of course, the first question I ask is "What are you eating and drinking now?"  It's not surprising that they are all on unconscious diets, skipping breakfast, eating whatever, not getting enough nutrition.  And when I tell them I'm Vegan, their first response is, "Well, I don't think I can give up dairy or meat, but I can cut back."  And hey, you know what, that's an awesome response from them, it shows that they are conscious, just by saying that.  Of course, I respond, "Look, you don't have to give up dairy or meat, and I wouldn't recommend you make such a drastic change.  Go slowly, do one thing at a time, but take a hard look at what you're doing now, and see if there are easy things you can change to make your diet better for you."  And then, I hand them a copy of "Eat to Live" by Joel Fuhrman.

Now, these are my former players, guys who I coached basketball for many years.  We have a connection unlike that of just friend-to-friend.  I know that they'll at least consider what I have to say, because I've lived it myself.  And I think they know that I'm always there for them.

Allright, now for my plans.  I'm about two weeks away from full-on marathon training for the SF Marathon, and I'm nowhere near where I want to be.  My cardio base isn't there, my flexibility is great, my strength is okay (not great), and my ankle feels better than ever.  My head is a mess, but I'm going to fix that (big time).  So, in the next two weeks, it's really, really time to get the train back on track, get things moving forward again, and get ready for this run, which is the most important of my life, the last marathon I'll ever run, one for each daughter.

I'm thinking about all of you out there, who need a nudge, a push to get going like me.  I'm lucky enough to be able to find something inside of myself to nudge me over the edge, to get me going again.  If you're not so lucky, then let me be that voice.  "Get up, get going, get back on track!  You can do it, believe in yourself, take care of yourself, and accomplish that goal."  Good luck to you, you're in my thoughts and prayers.

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