Monday, March 15, 2010

Green Smoothies and Friends/Family

So, by now, you know that I'm a Vegan, not super strict, not nutty or crazy or zealous, and do it mostly for health reasons, with some heavy thoughts of the environment, the farmers and workers involved, and animals mixed in.  But, again, mostly for health reasons, and to have a conscience when it comes to what I put into my body.

I've been pitching and preaching this "Green Smoothie" idea for a while now to my family and friends who want to try.  We obviously don't get enough dark leafy greens in our diet, something we need to nourish and heal us on a daily basis.  It would be great if we could have a nice salad for lunch and dinner, every dinner, but that just doesn't happen for most of us.  Man, I love a great green salad, but it's hard to find a good one, unless you make it yourself, and take care to get all of the very best and freshest ingredients.  On the "Eat-To-Live" 6 week jumpstart, I had salads for lunch and dinner.  On a 30-day raw diet, I did the same thing.  And I felt great.  But, I made my salads myself and packed them, every day.  And for a busy guy like me, that can be a lot to do on a daily basis.

For breakfast, what do we normally eat?  Oatmeal?  Bagels? Fruit? Cereal with milk?  Toast?  Coffee?  Bacon and eggs?  Hash browns?  Pancakes or waffles?  You know, for some people, they  do great just by eating the traditional breakfast.  It gives them the energy and nutrition they need going forward.  And if they do get their greens and veggies later in the day, exercise, and take care of themselves, then I'm sure they'll be fine, healthy, and balanced.  But, it's likely that most people have a traditional breakfast, one without any dark leafy greens, and then don't eat ANY dark leafy greens or veggies for the rest of the day.  Maybe it's a burger, fries, and coke for lunch, and then some frozen dinner in the microwave for dinner.

That's why I'm pitching the Green Smoothie idea.  Get your greens in early in the morning, when your body needs it the most.  It's so simple and easy to do, it takes me less time to pour cereal into a bowl, add soy milk, and munch, that it does to make a green smoothie and drink it down.  Seriously.  In all of 5 minutes, I'm done.  And I feel great.  My body is nourished, I'm full and satisfied probably until 10am or so, when a small piece of fruit will do.  I have great fiber, low calories, and high nutrition, all packed in a simple smoothie.  And it tastes amazing, now something I crave and feel undernourished when I don't have it.  I've been drinking green smoothies daily for about 9 months now for breakfast.  My friends and family have tried and tasted my basic recipe for it, and they all love it.  I encourage you to try it, replace that cup of coffee, or that traditional breakfast with a green smoothie, do it for a week or 6 weeks if you're up to it, and see what it does for you.  Give some to your kids, see if they like it.  Modify the recipe to your liking, make it taste good for you, add whatever you like.

You don't have to start your day with something greasy, oily, or heavy, something hard for your body to digest and make you even more tired.  You don't have to skip breakfast and make excuses because of time, effort, business, or anything like that.  All you have to do is throw a bunch of stuff in a blender, push a button, pour, and drink.  That's all, and it'll give you so much.  To your health!

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