Monday, September 13, 2010

P90X Lean - Week 5 of 13

Week #5 is done, did XStretch late Sunday night after all the football games and really, it's just what my body needed.  Weeks 5-7 changes just one routine from the Weeks 1-3, the W resistance workout from "Shoulders and Arms" to "Chest/Shoulders/Triceps".

I remember doing P90X Classic and the change on M and W, from Chest/Back and Shoulders/Arms to Chest/Shoulders/Triceps and Back/Biceps.  That was a huge change and where all the muscle confusion starts.  In the P90X Lean routine, it's actually just as effective.  The "Chest/Shoulders/Triceps" routine was really, really tough, and had my brain and my body going in several different directions.  But, I noticed some very good gains in strength and stamina with the different workouts, and applying them to the rest.

Diet wise, it's still a freaking struggle.  Doing P90X as a Vegan/Vegetarian is hard.  I'm trying to get enough calories in, but it's really difficult.  I find myself wanting to eat more often, and not having enough time to do so.  Man, I need a personal chef or some better planning.  They say that diet is just as important as exercise in P90X, and that's absolutely right.  In my case, I simply need to get more nutrition, more food into my system, to handle the exertion.  Drinking water all day and night seems to help, keeping hydrated is always a good idea, so I'm definitely doing that.

My body feels good at this point, much better than last week or two weeks ago.  Getting some massages helped, and of course, Yoga and Meditation are helping me quite a bit.  Doing 3 90-minute Yoga classes, in addition to the P90X routine, as well as nightly 15-minute meditations is really helping.  As long as I have the time and energy, I'll keep that part up, to make sure my flexibility and calm, are inline with my gains in strength.  If I could just get my diet going, we'd be cooking with gas.  :)

Week 6 is a copy of 5 (and 7 also), so here we go.

M:  Core Synergistics AM, Studio Yoga PM
TU: CardioX, Studio Yoga PM
W:  Chest/Shoulders/Triceps and AbRipperX AM
TH: YogaX AM
F:  Legs/Back and AbRipperX AM
SA: KenpoX AM, Studio Yoga AM
SU: XStretch AM

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