Sunday, September 26, 2010

P90X Lean - Week 7 of 13

Week #7 is done.  With only one exercise (Chest/Shoulders/Triceps) substituted for (Shoulders/Arms) on Wednesdays, that little tweak was enough to "confuse" my upper body.  My lower body has likely adapted a bit to some of the movements, albeit slowly.  The leg movements are pretty tough, even though my legs are the strongest part of my body.  And the core work, geez, my core is the weakest part of my body, so it'll likely take a couple more rounds to get that going.

I'm running the San Jose Rock 'N Roll Half next week, and my running preparation has been pathetically short, just a couple of 5Ks, very slow.  I plan on jogging and walking this one, to protect my knee, and just to enjoy the sights and sounds of the race.  I'll finish it, and that will be fine.

Body wise, I'm doing good!  Still doing Yoga 3x a week, and I mixed in 1000m in the pool and 5K on the treadmill just to get ready for the SJ RNR Half.  I got a couple of massages last week, and it helped loosen me up, and keep everything supple.  I'm still keeping the weights light, still doing bands instead of pull-ups and I think, for me, that's what I will stick with longer term.  I might up the weights a little bit, but not much, I really don't want to have a bulky upper body.

Diet wise, I'm still about the same, not as clean as I'd like.  But, the good news is that I found some inspiration on YouTube, a fellow P90X'er is also a Vegan, and he shared his diet with everyone.  Like me, he's actually okay eating the same food everyday.  So, I'm going to try it for the stretch run, starting in Week 9.  I'll detail his plans a bit later, I'll likely modify the calories a little bit, but will stick to his basic premise.  Why not?  Give it a try, eh?  Experimentation is always good.  Experiment first, decide later.

Week 8 is a recovery week (no weight training), with Weeks 9-12 starting a new block of training, which is essentially the P90X Classic rotations, which are very tough.

M:  YogaX AM, Studio Yoga PM
TU: Core Synergistics AM, Studio Yoga PM
W: KenpoX AM
TH: XStretch AM
F: CardioX AM
SA: YogaX AM, Studio Yoga AM
SU: XStretch AM

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