Monday, September 6, 2010

P90X Lean - Week 4 of 13

Week #4 is done, a supposed "recovery" week, but in the P90X Lean program, it was a little tougher.  Recovery weeks in the P90X Classic program really felt like a recovery, whereas here it's just a change-up.  I got through it, and did my Studio Yoga classes also.  My body felt a little beat up this week, so I think some extra rest and going a little easier might be good for me.

Darn "Core Synergistics" is really tough for me, and I know I have focus more on my core.  After this program is done, I'm going to try some Pilates Reformer and some Mat Pilates (in addition to Yoga) and see if I can build up my core.

Diet wise, I'm doing a little better, but still struggling.  I'm going to do a simpler diet this week, and do some Ayurvedic foods for dinner.

Weeks 5-7 starting a new block of training.  This is the "muscle confusion" theory that P90X uses, to change-up the routine and do some body shock.  I've done this before, when I was younger, change-up and do some crazy exercises just to shock the body.

M:  Core Synergistics AM, Studio Yoga PM
TU: CardioX, Studio Yoga PM
W:  Chest/Shoulders/Triceps and AbRipperX AM
TH: YogaX AM
F:  Legs/Back and AbRipperX AM
SA: KenpoX AM, Studio Yoga AM
SU: XStretch AM

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