Wednesday, September 22, 2010

P90X Lean - Week 6 of 13

Week #6 is done, did XStretch again late Sunday and it made for a great night's sleep.  I got through the week pretty much unscathed, I've kept the weights low, the reps high, stayed mostly with the bands instead of doing pull ups, and that has really been a big key to maintain my flexibility and not have as much bulk in my upper body this time around.

Diet wise, I think I'm finding my groove.  I know the general idea is to eat more because of the demands of the program, but I'm actually not doing that.  Adding some fresh fruit from the Farmer's Market (some beautiful large white nectarines and purple pluots) have given me the boost I've needed.  I think my body craved that type of fiber and nourishment.

I still maintained my yoga schedule (M, TU nights + SA morning).  This SA morning, I did an "Ashtanga Yoga" video by David Swenson, a real quick one, just 15 minutes + 10 minutes of relaxation.  It was nice after doing KenpoX, I didn't get a chance to get to the studio, so it was a good replacement for it.

Week 7 replicates the last two weeks, so my body should be good to go.

M:  Core Synergistics AM, Studio Yoga PM
TU: CardioX, Studio Yoga PM
W:  Chest/Shoulders/Triceps and AbRipperX AM
TH: YogaX AM
F:  Legs/Back and AbRipperX AM
SA: KenpoX AM, Studio Yoga AM
SU: XStretch AM

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