Saturday, May 8, 2010

SFM Training : Week 5 Review, Week 6 Preview

5 weeks down ... 11 to go.  Back to the grind.  The week after a recovery week is always tough for me.  It feels good to finish off this week, and get some rest.

Monday: 90 minutes of Power Flow Yoga.  This was a nice class, lots of relaxation, meditation, stretching, and balance postures.  Just what the doctor ordered.

Tuesday: 10x400 intervals on the treadmill.  Felt great, no problems at all, great stretch afterwards.

Wednesday: 90 minutes of Bikram Yoga.  Bonkage.  The owner of the studio taught the class in a hotter and more humid room than usual.  I struggled through, but felt great the few hours afterwards.  Body felt cleansed, open, and supple.

Thursday: 5 mile tempo on the treadmill.  Best tempo run of the season so far, likely thanks to Bikram the night before.

Friday: P90X X-Stretch.  Decided to change it up and do something a bit easier to get ready for the long hilly run on Saturday.  Probably will do P90X Yoga again next week.

Saturday: 14 mile hilly LSD run.  Ran with friends who are lighter, smaller, faster, and stronger than me.  :)  I struggled at the end, but it was a very interesting route, something a friend who has run the SFM many times, put together specifically to mimic the race.
Now for Week #6 upcoming, it's time to start getting into it.

M: Power Flow Yoga
TU: 5x1200m intervals
W: Bikram Yoga
TH: 5 mile tempo
F: P90X Yoga
SA: 15 mile hilly LSD run
SU: Rest

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