Saturday, May 1, 2010

SFM Training : Week 4 Review, Week 5 Preview

4 weeks down ... 12 to go.  I  love recovery weeks, where the mileage goes down, I can focus on my form and on my efficiency, without getting so beat up from the long miles.

Monday: 90 minutes again with my favorite teacher.  She always asks if there are specific areas the class wants to focus on.  "Hip flexors," a lady shouted out.  Uh, let's just say my hip flexors, still sore from a long and hilly 13-mile run the Saturday before, were destroyed after that class.  But, by the next morning, I felt great, my hips were very open and ready to go.

Tuesday: 3x1600 intervals on the treadmill.  Had a good run here this time, nice pace, good breath throughout.

Wednesday: 90 minutes of Bikram Yoga.  Perfect, felt great the whole time.  Needed about 20 minutes after the class the breathe and meditate, but I felt awesome afterwards.

Thursday: 3 mile tempo on the treadmill.  After all the long tempo runs the weeks before, this was easy and a nice break.

Friday: P90X yoga at 4:30am.  Loved it, got back in tune with Tony Horton, who kicked my tail again with Yoga.  Those darn half-moons are always tough, and since I skipped it last week, it was even tougher.  :)

Saturday: 10 mile hilly LSD run.  Felt amazing throughout, except for my frozen hands.  At 5am, the weather looked fine, but my hands were frozen by mile 5.  I have to get the right type of gloves for the weather.  Next time, going with my cold weather gloves no matter what.
Now for Week #5 upcoming, we're back in the grind.  It's a tough week, a ramp from 14 to 15 to 17 long miles the next three weeks.

M: Power Flow Yoga
TU: 10x400m intervals
W: Bikram Yoga
TH: 5 mile tempo
F: P90X Yoga
SA: 14 mile hilly LSD run
SU: Rest

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