Thursday, January 14, 2010


Age is just a number, isn't it? In many of my yoga classes, I look around and see so many fit and healthy women (since I'm usually the only guy, or one of a few in there). I wonder how 'old' they are, and then realize that it doesn't really matter. What matters is how healthy and how happy they are. And by their look, by the smile on the faces, by their kind words, they are indeed healthy and happy.

Now at 42, I'm beginning anew. It's time to grow up, be healthier and happier, worry less, have more fun, enjoy the beauty of life more. I encourage you to do the same. Don't worry about how 'old' you are. If you're not healthy and happy, get up and do something about it. Little by little, step by step, meal by meal, snack by snack, emotion by emotion, smile by smile ... do something small to make yourself healthier and happier. And tomorrow, do it again. And the next day, do it again.

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