Friday, January 8, 2010


What is that fills your mind these days? Random thoughts? Destructive thoughts? Happy thoughts? Stories? Sadness? Happiness? Peace? Unrest? Or all of them?

I used to meditate regularly when I was young. I was given a book on Meditation by a co-worker of mine, and I was blown away. I really didn't know what I was doing (and still don't) but it did give me a sense of rest, of peace, of calm. And some methodology for doing so. I was coaching basketball at the time, working full time, and very busy, and I thought, had a lot going on in my mind. But, my peace came during meditation (prayer) and it helped me get through many a situation.

As I've gotten older and found other interests, I lost that sense or prayer, that state of peace and meditation. And I'm trying to rediscover it. Today, meditation is written about in too many forms, and can be so complicated. Just perusing the data out there, you get novels on 'how to meditate' and a mass sense of confusion. Heck, you'll lose peace just trying to find the info!

A few things I've picked up. One, if there are thoughts and distractions, let them happen and be a part of your meditation, they don't matter. Two, if you have issues and worry about them, have stories that your mind creates around those problems, and have restless moments thinking about how to escape and solve them, that itself is the root cause of your issue. Let your issue be, and just rest, calm down, and relax. Let your issue be a part of your peace.

Try this website ( and listen to a few of the podcasts, it's great for people that need some peace during turmoil, and for people that need to get some rest at night. And most of all, it's simple. Just rest, and give yourself a moment.

Be well!

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