Thursday, April 15, 2010

Aryuveda Workshop and Bikram Yoga

I went to an Ayurveda Workshop last week, and found out that I have Vata imbalance, too much air and space (ether).  I'm going to do a 4-day cleanse, using ... ummm ... ghee (clarified butter) as part of the cleanse.  I asked my teacher, "Does it have to be ghee?"  And she said, "Yes".  I said okay, for 4-days, I'll try it.  I'll detail that cleanse a bit later, not ready to do it right now because of marathon training.

I like learning about 'funky stuff' and 'alternative thinking'.  I mean Aryuveda is thousands of years old, and it has worked for many people.  It's so radically different than what I'm doing now, but heck, I'll listen to anyone who has great data, and try it for myself to see if it's something helpful.  I think that openness and experimentation are good mindsets to have.  There might a tweak here or there that could make a big difference to your health and well being.

Part of the training showed I have sensitivities to cold and wind, and that's true.  Ever since I became Vegan, my 'sleepy clothes' have gone from boxers alone to full on thermals and long pants.  I used to wear polos in the morning, no jacket.  Not any more.  Combined with the colder weather (may have more to do with my cold feelings) and my diet, I've been pretty chilly.  So, I decided on my own to go back and do Bikram Yoga again.

It's been close to 2-3 years since I took a class, and I took one last night at my same studio.  Some changes though, from what I remember.  A huge humidifier going full blast spews moisture in the very, very hot room, probably 105-110 degrees.  I mean it was freaking hot, and packed with people.  I had trouble getting through the first 45 minutes (the toughest part), having to sit down a couple of times.  That only happened once or twice in 2 years of practice, but I guess I shouldn't be so hard on myself.  It's new again, and the environment is a bit different.  Once we hit the mat and 2nd 45 minutes, I was good.  I took it easy, just to be safe.  I felt great afterwards (emphasis on afterwards), cleansed, energized, and stretched.  I remember when I used to do Bikram regularly and my body was tuned and used to the routine, the heat, the recovery, the preparation, etc.  I'll have to remember what I did to make it part of my routine again.  If anything, it will make my running that much better.  I'm only doing Bikram once a week, because of time constraints, and overall exertion.  The other two Yoga days, I'm doing a Power Flow Yoga (much easier than Bikram, different, and more meditative) and P90X Yoga at home (challenging, but super convenient).  I think the variety is good, just like my runs (intervals, tempo, long-slow distance).

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