Sunday, April 25, 2010

SFM Training : Week 3 Review, Week 4 Preview

Whew!  3 weeks down ... 13 to go.

Monday: 90 minutes again with my favorite teacher.  We did some very cool and restorative wall poses.  Legs propped up against a wall (like Chi-Running leg drains), back propped up against a wall to help seated meditation, and some really awesome wall plank poses.  Was fun and effective.  I used them again to recover for my long run.

Tuesday: 6x800 intervals on the treadmill.  First 5 were awesome, then bonkage at 6.  Had a nice warmup and cooldown and stretch.

Wednesday: 90 minutes of Bikram Yoga.  I think I've found my breath in Bikram again, I got through the whole class a lot smoother and cleaner than last week.  The room wasn't as hot, there weren't as many people there, so that may have had something to do with it.

Thursday: 7 mile tempo on the treadmill.  This was tough, but I felt great.  Just worked on keeping my speed throughout and relaxing all the way through.  Was drenched afterward, and spent a good 30 minutes stretching.

Friday: Supposed to do P90X yoga, instead did about 10 minutes of stretching.  My body was gassed after the 7 mile tempo run, decided to shut it down.

Saturday: 13 mile hilly LSD run.  I was supposed to do this at 4am with my nephew.  My nephew couldn't make it, and neither did my alarm clock.  I slept right through it, and ended doing the run at 5pm.  It was hotter than usual (of course), but a slight breeze helped.  I was out for 2.5 hours and by mile 12, I was bonked, so I walked it in.  I got through the hills great, but the combination of the heat, the time of day, and probably not enough carbs and water did me in.  It's a tough hilly run, for sure, and I'll do better the next time.  Note to recover from this run, I did the wall propped leg drains for a good 20 minutes, my feet felt tingly, but the inflammation went down almost immediately.  Then, I had a nice green smoothie for dinner, took a hot shower, and went to bed.  Woke up this morning feeling a little sore, but pretty good considering.

Now for Week #4 upcoming, it's a bit of a recovery week, if you will.  Most marathon programs are like that, 3 week sections of easy, medium, hard, with a recovery week thrown in the mix, once in a while.

M: Power Flow Yoga
TU: 3x1600 intervals
W: Bikram Yoga
TH: 3 mile tempo
F: P90X Yoga
SA: 10 mile hilly LSD run
SU: Rest

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