Sunday, April 18, 2010

SFM Training : Week 2 Review, Week 3 Preview

2 weeks down, 14 to go.

Monday: 90 minutes again with my favorite teacher, did some nice hip stretches using pigeon, sleeping pigeon, and sleeping pigeon with a lying prayer twist.  That last stretch, in particular was good, really worked my right hip, which is much tighter than my left, very well.

Tuesday: 4x1200 intervals on the treadmill.  First 3 felt great, last one, I about died.  :)  Had a nice warmup, cool down, and stretch, but was pasted after this workout.  About 5 miles altogether.

Wednesday: 90 minutes of Bikram Yoga.  Uh ... I haven't done Bikram in over 2+ years, and it was hotter and more humid in my old studio room than I can ever remember.  It was tough!  But, I felt cleansed, energized, stretched, and peaceful.  It took about 30 minutes afterward, just to catch my breath.

Thursday: 5 mile tempo on the treadmill.  Darn tempo runs are the most brutal.  I felt great throughout, held my speed consistently, and was drenched afterward.  Had a nice stretch and cool down after.

Friday: 90 minutes of P90X yoga.  Heck, after Bikram and that tempo run, P90X yoga (which is typically tough) felt easy.  It was great to start of my early Friday morning with my boy, Tony Horton.  :)

Saturday: 12 mile hilly LSD run.  My nephew and I embarked on a brutal 12-mile out and back, with 3 nasty hills.  The last one was the toughest because we just went up hill #2 (which is 1.0 mile of death) down hard on hill #3 (which is 1.0 mile of utter terror), turned around and went back up that monster.  By about mile 10, my poor nephew's ankle had enough, and we had to walk it in.  I felt great throughout, super strong, although I ran nice and slow, especially up the hills.  I think all of the intervals and harder tempo runs are making a big difference on the long weekend run.  And the yoga is helping immeasurably as well.

Now for Week #3 upcoming, the distances and intervals get longer:

M: Power Flow Yoga
TU: 6x800 intervals
W: Bikram Yoga
TH: 7 mile tempo (ugh!)
F: P90X Yoga
SA: 13 mile hilly LSD run
SU: Rest

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