Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Long Road Ahead...

So this is Week #1 of 16 weeks (4 months) of preparation for the SF Marathon.  As I mentioned before, this training plan is so radically different than I've tried before, and that's probably a good thing.  I'm only running 3 days a week, and complementing that with Yoga 3 days a week, with a full rest day interspersed.  This is how it will go this week:

TU: 8x400m intervals @ 10k pace - 1 min
W: Yoga
TH: 3 mile tempo @ 10k pace
F: Yoga
SA: 10 miles LSD (long slow distance) @ 10k pace + 1 min (or more)
SU: Rest

The rest of the training plan is similar, just modify the amount and distance of the intervals, tempo, and long runs.  The yoga really helps with all of the pounding that the body goes through, not to mention the stress relief, relaxation, centering, and all of those other great benefits.

TU's interval runs were good, did them on a treadmill (trialed them at the track the past few weekends).  I felt great throughout, did a nice 1 mile warmup beforehand and a 1 mile cooldown afterwards, for a total of 5+ miles or so.  In between intervals, I jogged at my LSD pace for 1 minute.  Of course, a good 20 minutes of stretching afterwards, and some lighter stretching beforehand.

Tempo runs are always a challenge for me, but I think it'll toughen me up.  It'll be on the treadmill again today, because of my schedule, but I do plan to run both intervals and tempo runs either on the road or on the track.  The LSD run (with my nephew!) will mirror the SF Marathon course elevation map, hills around mile 5 or so.  Living where I do, I'm blessed (or cursed!) with having some vicious hills to climb.  Hopefully, that'll also toughen me up and get me ready for the hilly course of the SF Marathon.

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