Monday, October 25, 2010

P90X Lean - Week 11 of 13

Week #11 is done, with some minor modifications.  I took one of those weekends again to head to the City to explore, do some other workouts, so I missed KenpoX and XStretch, and did Bikram Yoga, TRX and Vinyasa Flow Yoga instead.  It was worth it, for the change of pace.

Bikram Yoga is really hard, especially if you haven't done it in a while.  I used to take classes regularly, and got used to the heat and stress.  But, last Friday night, it was brutal.  I tried to prep, drink enough, etc., but it was just vicious in there.  I got through the first 45 minutes somehow, got to the ground, and just took it easy for the rest of the class.  On Friday morning, I rolled with Tony H. and did Core Synergistics (love that one), so I was probably a little beat up from the morning workout.  On Saturday, I did TRX at the Fitness Training Center in the City, and boy, I'll tell you, that was a tail-kicker.  TRX is what I'm planning to try next, because I really like the portability of the equipment and the stabilization of the core throughout, so I wanted a preview before I spent a bunch of money on the equipment.  And finally, I took a Vinyasa Flow class with Les Levanthal at Yoga Tree in the City, what an awesome experience that was.  I'll remember Les' quotes forever:

"There is nothing that you can do wrong in this class..."
"Treat every pose like you would Savasana, like you could hold it forever..."

It was such a calming feeling, to know that whatever I did in class was perfect, and whatever edge I sought, could be held indefinitely.  It was a liberating experience, to lose attachment to "pushing" and "forcing" and "fighting" with a pose, and just letting it be, whatever it was at the moment.

Onto Week #12, which is essentially "Plan B" of the P90X Classic routines for strength minus Legs/Back.  It's winding down, just a handful of days before the Lean Routine is done.

M:  Chest/Shoulders/Triceps, Ab RipperX AM - Studio Yoga PM
TU: CardioX AM - Studio Yoga PM
W: Back/Biceps, Ab RipperX
TH: YogaX
F: Core Synergistics
SA: KenpoX
SU: XStretch

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