Sunday, October 10, 2010

P90X Lean - Week 9 of 13

Ah, the setbacks, and how the can come.  The San Jose Rock N Roll Half last week sent my legs and the rest of my body into shock last week, and I ending up skipping M through W, the strength training days.  It's okay, I did my Yoga classes during the evenings on M and TU, and just rested on W, and by TH, I was good to go.  YogaX on TH morning was just what I needed to get back in the groove, and by F I was all set, although Core Synergistics and then KenpoX on Saturday were tougher than usual.  And this morning (Sunday), I finished off a nice session of XStretch, which is quickly becoming a favorite of mine, just to "tune up" my body for the challenges of the coming week, and to cap off a week of work.

I'm feeling much better after the rest and recover after the race, and all of the Yoga.  My strength is good, and my flexibility is fantastic (for me).  My goal from the outset was to keep the weights as light as possible, not bulk up, get stronger, but maintain my flexibility.  So far, so good.

Diet wise, I'm doing well, much better than previously, as my body is somehow able to adjust to the strength training and caloric requirements without overeating.  I'm snacking on fresh fruits between meals, and that really helps.  The fiber and the energy from the fruit is keeping my appetite under control, giving me the 'fullness' I'm seeking, and keeping my blood sugar levels more constant and level during the day.  I'm choosing to eat my dinners much earlier than usual, and not eating too late at night.  That has also helped quite a bit.

I changed my calendar a little bit to add one more week to the backend to make up for some of my missed workouts, it'll essentially be a P90X Classic Week to finish off 90 Days, it's all good, "Do your best and forget the rest".

Onto Week #10, which is the "Plan B" of the P90X Classic routines for strength.  I'm going to get through all of them this week with some serious intensity.

M:  Chest/Shoulders/Triceps, Ab RipperX AM - Studio Yoga PM
TU: CardioX AM - Studio Yoga PM
W: Back/Biceps, Ab RipperX
TH: YogaX
F: Core Synergistics
SA: KenpoX
SU: XStretch

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