Monday, October 4, 2010

P90X Lean - Week 8 of 13 + San Jose Rock N Roll Half Marathon 2010

Okay, Week #8, another recovery week, is in the books.  Early Sunday morning, I did X-Stretch, and then ran 13.1 miles for my annual San Jose Rock N Roll Half Marathon.  This year, unlike the previous 3 years, I ran this one with absolutely no real training.  I hurt my knee prepping for the SF Marathon, so I wanted to take it easy and give me a knee a break, so I just did P90X and Yoga, and laid off the running.

Uh, bad idea.  For 12 miles, I did pretty well and felt good.  My plan was to "Jeff Galloway" the entire race.  Jog 1 mile, then walk 1 minute.  And I mean jog, as in easy jog, and easy breath the whole way.  I did that for 12 miles with no problem.  With 1.1 miles to go, my body said enough is enough, and basically shut down.  My calves were twitchy and tight, my quads (which never, ever fail me) failed me ... and I walked in the last 1 mile, and jogged in the last 0.1.  All in all, it was a very humbling event and a good reminder that the preparation for the race, is actually more important than the race itself.

I was planning to get Week #9 of P90X going early this morning, but my legs simply wouldn't let me.  I snuck in a nice Yoga class in the evening, took it real slow and easy and eased my way through the best I could.  I think I'll be down for a few days, not wanting to rush anything.  It's okay, no worries, we'll go with the flow here.

For Week #9, we go back to the old school, like the P90X Classic, but minus Legs/Back (thank goodness for me!).  This repeats in Week #11.  Weeks #10 and #12 substitute the M and W strength workouts, and Week #13 the final week, a recovery.  Here's Week #9:

M:  Chest/Back, Ab RipperX AM - Studio Yoga PM
TU: CardioX AM - Studio Yoga PM
W: Shoulders/Arms, Ab RipperX
TH: YogaX
F: Core Synergistics
SA: KenpoX
SU: XStretch

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