Sunday, October 31, 2010

P90X Lean - Week 12 of 13

Week #12 is done.  This is the penultimate week, and the final resistance training week.  I got through with no issues, and my body has really adjusted well to the different workouts.  The P90X Lean routine is challenging, but is much easier on the upper body than the Classic routine.  The main difference is the resistance workouts going from 2 days/week for the Lean to 3 days/week for the Classic.  That extra day is huge, and I remember feeling swollen and tight in my upper body after the Classic routine.  Now, I feel flexible and strong, which is exactly what I was going for.  I did do a lot of Yoga this time around, between 2-4 extra 90-minute workouts per week, and I also did most of the XStretch workouts on Sundays.

Diet wise, it's been good, very clean and regimented.  Mostly a Vegan/Vegetarian diet and lots of water.  I feel leaner, lighter, and stronger.

For Week #13, it's back to the recovery routine, which is still pretty tough because of the P90X Yoga and Core workouts.

M:  YogaX AM, Studio Yoga PM
TU: Core Synergistics AM, Studio Yoga PM
W: KenpoX AM
TH: XStretch AM
F: CardioX AM
SA: YogaX AM
SU: XStretch AM

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