Sunday, August 15, 2010

P90X Lean - Week 1 of 13

About 2 years ago, I went through P90X Classic, which was a killer strength building routine.  This time around, my goals are a bit different.  Of course, I want want to build strength, because I have been working on my flexibility and openness for a while now, as well as cardio.  But, I want to build it while keeping my flexibility.  It's tough to be both strong and flexible, especially when you want to lean out as well, but that's the lofty goal.  P90X Lean focuses more on reps, and less on the hardcore strength training.

I just finished Week #1, which was a killer, although I went into it thinking it would be much easier than the Classic I did a while back.  My muscles, especially my shoulders, arms, lats, and hips feel like they've been thrown through a washing machine, very sore.  And I did such light weights (just 9 lbs. on my adjustable dumbbells for all exercises).  I'm going to stick with very, very light weights throughout the program, and probably not do as many pullups, and just do bands, etc.

To complicate matters, I did 3 sessions (2 of them pretty tough) of Yoga on M, TU, and SAT.  So, all in all, that was 8 workout routines during the week.  SUN, I'm going to focus on stretching, recovery, restorative Yoga, and some meditation.

Diet-wise, P90X is a huge challenge, because you need to eat, and you tend to overeat.  Definitely the case for me.  I'm a Vegan/Vegetarian, so it's even tougher.  But, that's something I'm going to focus on in the next couple of weeks, to eat cleaner, more often, higher quality, etc.

So, here was my schedule this week (and also for the next 2 weeks):

M: Core Synergistics AM, Studio Yoga PM
TU: CardioX AM, Studio Yoga PM
W: Shoulders and Arms and AbRipperX AM
TH: YogaX AM
F: Legs and Back AM
SA: KenpoX AM, Studio Yoga AM
SU: XStretch AM, Restorative Yoga + Meditation PM

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