Monday, August 2, 2010

Wanderlust Yoga and Music Festival

Talk about a treat, I just got back from my first ever yoga festival.  Four days of yoga, music, and fun set in Squaw Valley.  Among the trees and mountains, there were massive tents, rows of vendors for Vegans and Vegetarians, yoga clothing companies and accessories, and the beauty that is Squaw Valley Ski Resort.  I went to get exposed to different types of teachers, different styles of yoga, and to meet my fellow yogis and yoginis who share a passion for the gift of yoga.

All in all, I took 10 classes over the course of 4 days.  Each class was special, different, eye-opening, and wonderful.  The people there were so open, so kind, so healthy, so beautiful, and so peaceful, it made me feel like a thousand kindred souls were sharing time and space in a sacred place.  And if you've never taken 3 hard 90 minute or 2-hour class in a single day, your body is due for some shock and awe.  Surprisingly and incredibly, I wasn't sore at all, I could've probably done 3 tough 2-hour classes per day with no issues.  My only issues were my poor heels, which are not used to being in flip-flops for many hours a day!

In terms of the classes, most incorporated Vinyasa flows, great music (live, DJ, or recorded), some random trance dancing which was just wild, lots of Warrior stances and lunges, some crazy stretches, some awesome chanting, some community and partner based yoga, and finally some very loving and peaceful savasanas which transported me to the depths of my inner being, where calm and stillness live.  The teachers were all amazing in their own right, very knowledgeable in all aspects of yoga (not just asanas), on-point, technical, and great technical instructors.  My teachers included Shiva Rea, Vinny Marino, Kia Miller, Lama Christie McNally, Rusty Wells, Annie Carpenter, Kerri Kelly & Suzanne Sterling, Christa Cullen, Duncan Wong, and Doug Swenson.  I missed out on Seane Corne, Baron Baptiste, Les Leventhal, and a few other great teachers, so I hope to catch one of their classes in the future.

The event also included many great artists including Moby, MC Yogi, and other bands I had no clue about.  I think my iPod will have some new Yoga inspired music soon.

All in all, it was an incredible experience.  To be around my fellow yogis and yoginis for several days in such a beautiful place was a blessing, and something I will always cherish and remember with fondess and love.  I also missed my family very much, and thought of them constantly.  If anything, the experience strengthened my love and kindness for my family even more, and showed me how important they really are to my life.  I will be back in full force in 2010!

Note in subsequent blogs, I'm going to talk about a few silly and a few deep topics regarding the yoga festival.  Everything from food and fashion to spirituality and awakening, or something like that.  Stay tuned!

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