Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Tolerance is probably my most important quality I strive for and look for in people.  Along the lines of the virtues I discussed a while back:
  • Purity
  • Moderation
  • Kindness
  • Generosity
  • Liveliness
  • Humility
  • Contentment
I think Tolerance combines all of them in a very concise manner.  Not that I am perfect or tolerant of everything, I most definitely am not.  I have my faults, too many to name, but I do see this as a lifelong goal.  To be tolerant of all, even to those who are intolerant, even to those who harm or hurt me, even those who don't deserve my tolerance.

It crosses a lot of lines, habits, beliefs, faith, ethics, morals, etc.  So when I am presented with something difficult, something I don't agree with, am I tolerant, do I listen, do I try to understand?  Most of the time, the answer is probably no, simply because it's a work in progress.  And my hope and prayer is that one day, I will be a better person for being more tolerant, more pure, more moderate, more kind, more generous, more lively, more humble, and finally more content.

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