Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Just like cancer, diabetes hits very close to home for me. My mother is a Type II Diabetic. My father was also on insulin for many years. My mother takes nightly insulin shots, tests her blood sugar regularly, and has be very careful, like many diabetics, to watch their diet, their feet, and other things. Not to mention the costs associated with treating diabetes, we're talking about a life-altering disease that has to constantly be managed and dealt with. Diabetes affects the fundamental processing of glucose in the body, which is essential to normal bodily function. Because Type II diabetics cannot produce insulin as efficiently (Type I cannot produce insulin at all), they have to supplement with injected or oral insulin. Insulin is the mechanism by which the body can process glucose, which is used for fuel for the muscles. Too much glucose, not enough insulin...high blood sugar. Diabetes leads to a host of other problems, too numerous to discuss here. Suffice it to say, that living with diabetes is tough.

Fortunately, there are answers besides injecting insulin regularly. As many will tell you, your weight, your amount of exercise, and of course, your diet can greatly effect how much insulin your body needs. Take my mother, for example. Her "diet" previously consisted of massive amounts of Diet Coke (awful stuff), fast food, and an occasional salad. She exercises daily, but her insulin and blood sugar were difficult to control. Within two weeks of changing her diet to a vegan plant-based, whole foods diet, her blood sugar levels were in normal range, and her insulin dosages dropped dramatically. Of course, she drank water instead of Diet Coke, which helped immensely. She looks amazing, with a glow I haven't seen a while, and she's dropped 10 lbs. or so.

Catch the movie, "Raw for 30 Days" a documentary of healing diabetes simply with changes in diet. You'll see some amazing and powerful stuff. Many agree that diabetes is easily curable with changes in diet. Yes, I said curable, like "no more insulin". It takes discipline and care, and be sure to check with your doctor if you plan on trying. But, be hopeful that there are alternatives out there to help heal you.

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