Friday, August 14, 2009

Lighten Up! You're special!

Man, so many heavy topics these past couple of days. Being that it's Friday, a rest day for me during my Half Marathon Training, it's also a good idea to rest the mind as well, with something light.

Consider the following.

The percentage of people in the world who have completed a marathon is 0.1%. So, if there are 6.7 Billion people in the world, only 6.7 Million have completed a marathon.

The percentage of people in the world who are vegan is 0.2% (approximately). So, if there are 6.7 Billion people in the world, only 13.4 Million are vegan.

I was lucky enough to complete two marathons, so I'm part of the 0.1%.

I am a vegan now, so I'm part of the 0.2%.

And if I complete a marathon as a vegan (planned for 2010), I'll be part of the 0.1% of the 0.2%, which ends up being 1 in 13,400!

And if you take into account that I'm a 40+ year old Pilipino, I think I'm probably the only one in the world! :) Okay, my Pilipino vegan non-marathon running or non-vegan marathon running or non-vegan non-marathon running brothers and sisters, join me! In 2010, we complete a vegan marathon! We indeed will be rare, and special!

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