Sunday, August 30, 2009

Eat to Live - Checkpoint #6 + Half Marathon Training

Just finished a long slow distance run (8.0 mi) this morning, ending Week #4 of 10 of Half Marathon Training. I mixed it up a bit this week, because of scheduling and early morning issues. I did my interval runs at night, one at the track, one at work at a random route. I did my weekend runs on the treadmill and on the track (early morning) due to the heat, it was over 95 degrees! All in all, not bad, I survived the workouts and my body is healing up well.

I weighed in this morning as usual for my weekly checkpoint, and low and behold, I dropped another ONE AND A HALF POUNDS! I'm 2.5 lbs. lower than my two-year low, and only 5.5 lbs. away from my 10-year low. I felt leaner this week, my clothes were fitting a lot looser, and I was able to get into some shorts I bought I long while ago when I was "skinnier." LOL. As far as my energy levels go, they're very good. I've been getting a lot of good night's rest lately, so that probably has a lot to do with it. I've been busy at work, but I've been able to balance it well.

As far as the Eat-to-Live experiment, I'm doing great. I'm still on the green smoothie breakfast, in fact, I'm having one now. Kale, Bok-Choy, Collards, Romaine, Spinach, some fruit juices (acai, carrot, and pomegranate - 12 oz. total), some frozen wild blueberries, a whole necartatine minus the pit, and some ice...yummy! We ran out of bananas, LOL. Going shopping today to restock. Salads for lunch and dinner, still, with some chopped veggies mixed in, still good. I ate out quite a bit this week for lunch and dinner, but still was vegan. I did get a lot of soy proteins, beans, and rice, in addition to my whole fruits and veggies. Lots of fresh fruits as after meal snacks. Portions, overall, were decent, mostly because my workouts were long and tough this week, especially with the heat.

We had a BBQ to go to last week, and we had some leftover hamburgers (don't ask) that we had to cook up for a party. Ugh, my kitchen hasn't smelled like that in a long time, smelled like McDonalds or something. :) I had to ask my wife to open the windows and do some major ventilation because I was gonna gag in there. :) Ah well, we all survived the ordeal with no problems. I think it just re-emphasized to me how much I really don't need that type of food to survive and make it.

Disney Half is next weekend, I think I'm ready to go, although I'm really just gonna jog it. I think I'll try to get 2:30, and try as much as possible to that time without a hard effort, just easy breathing and striding. Note my real goal is to run a 1:59 in early October, which is only 6 weeks away. That's gonna be really hard to do, if my training times so far are any indication. But, we'll see how it goes.

Have a great week everyone! I do hope all is well in your lives...

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