Saturday, August 15, 2009

You're not a vegan...

The weekend is upon us, and after some very heavy topics about animals, cancer, diabetes, and cholesterol, I'm in a light mood still, even after the last post. Why not? Gotta by happy also, right? So, as I'm writing this, remember I'm smiling a very light and happy mood. Don't mistake my writing for emotion, this is really tongue-in-cheek. That said...

I just finished my Saturday run, an easy 4.0mi jog and the miles just flew by, because I was thinking about what my wife told me last night. She said that her friend said (uh, second hand, eh?) "You're not a vegan...because you wear leather."


Now my initial reaction was simply that, wow. Not knowing the context which it was said, who said it, whether or not he/she was vegan, whether or not I would get my booty handed to me in an MMA match with said person, I just said wow.

Then, it moved to something else. Thanks. Thanks much, friend, for the encouragement. It isn't enough that only 0.2% of world's population is vegan, and I'm the only 40+ male Pilipino vegan marathoner in the world. We really need that type of encouragement to get the word out about the benefits of a plant based, whole-foods ... uh ... vegan diet. It's not like we're the in the minority or on an island all by ourselves, right?

He/she is right, though. The label or characterization of "vegan" by Donald Watson in 1944:

[T]he word "veganism" denotes a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude — as far as is possible and practical — all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals.

So, wearing leather is a violation of the vegan definition. Big deal.

Given that, let me ask a few questions. What should I do my my leather jacket that I bought 10 years ago? And my leather shoes that I bought 2 years ago? Donate them? Does that make me vegan? Should I toss them in the garbage so they go in the landfill? Does that make me vegan? Should I go and buy synthetic leather replacements right now? Does that make me vegan? Should I just dump that leather couch we bought 5 years ago? Does that make me vegan? Oh, and my wife, should she do the same for her purses, wallets, jackets, and shoes? Does that make her vegan? Now, I agree that knowing what we know now, we are extremely hesitant to buy leather. One of the first questions I asked my wife after watching "Earthlings" was "Aren't your purses made of leather?" And she said, "I know, I's not good." It's not like we're ignorant to it, but really, what do you want us to do?

We don't eat animal products, no dairy, no meat. We will be very cautious and aware about our clothing and other purchases in the future. But, we're not gonna dump all our stuff and replace it with hemp or synthetic manmade materials just to say we are vegan.

On the other hand, do you drive a car? Do you have a computer, television, or tupperware? Is synthetic leather really better? Look, petroleum (gasoline for cars) and plastics (cases for computers, televisions, and base for synthetics) are by-products of crude oil, which is from dead dinosaurs. So, are you a vegan if you drive a car or use plastic or synthetic products? Do you use shampoo, cosmetics, etc. that may contain palm oil? I hope not, because the orangutans will be extinct if you continue to use those types of products. We can extrapolate and continue to divide, can't we?

Don't hate. Don't judge. Especially since you don't even know our context and why we made our choices. I am no better than my carnivore counterpart because of my choices. I am no better than a real vegan, who walks daily from their grass, solar-powered hut, to their job to save the dolphins or whales. I am no better than anyone else. The only thing I did was read a few books, experimented over many years, watched a few movies, and made my choices.

But, I am a vegan.

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