Sunday, August 23, 2009

Eat to Live - Checkpoint #5 + Half Marathon Training

Just finished Week #3 of my half marathon training, and it was rough. I ran a 5k simulation yesterday and gave it my all, but my all wasn't very good. :) I usually run much faster than that, but I guess I'm still running pretty slow. No worries, though. I finished a long-slow 5 miles today, and for the most part, it was fine. My ankle is still bothering me, and I'm working it vigorously, with stretching, massage, ice, etc. And my lower back has flared up me, first time in a long while. I think I slept wrong one night or something, because I haven't had that much pain in a while. So much so, that I asked my wife to get me some Motrin, which I very rarely take. I'm hoping it's just a transient issue.

As for the Eat-to-Live plan, I'm doing well. After a busy week at work, and the 3 out 5 lunches out at restaurants (still vegan though!), I weighed myself this morning and the scale the same as last week, which is what I usually expect. I'm a hard-hard loser, it's really tough for me to lose weight, so I expected a plateau somewhere, and I'm right at it. I feel good, not great. I get a few episodes of light-headedness sometimes, and I feel warm all the time. I think I need to drink more water, and probably just ease up on eating out so much, although with co-workers asking you to go to lunch, it's hard. This week, I'll do 1 less lunch out to see how that changes things. My workouts were tough this week, so that probably has something to do with it.

Next week, I'll talk more about macro and micro nutrients, and what I've learned about them through my experiences. Have a great weekend!

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